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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Body Piercing

Florida Department of Health in Columbia County Environmental Health

  •  386-758-1058

    Physical Address

    135 NE Hernando Ave 

    Lake City, FL 32055

In 1999, the Florida Legislature passed Florida Statute 381.0075, which authorized the Florida Department of Health to develop rules that regulate body piercing salons. These rules are found in Chapter 64E-19 of the Florida Administrative Code, and went into effect in February 2000.

Owners and operators of body piercing salons are required to obtain an annual operating permit from their county Health Department.

Chapter 64E-19 outlines minimum requirements for body piercing establishments, including cleaning and sterilization of instruments and jewelry, piercing procedures, injury reporting, customer and other facility records, infection control training for piercers, and informed consent issues for minors under age 18.

These facilities are inspected yearly by the regional biomedical waste coordinater, located at the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County along with a communicable disease nurse.

For more information on this program, contact the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County at 352-334-7930 or write to:

Florida Department of Health in Alachua County
ATTN: BMW Coordinator
224 SE 24th St.
Gainesville, FL 32656