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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Environmental Public Health

Florida Department of Health in Columbia County Environmental Health

  •  386-758-1058

    Physical Address

    135 NE Hernando Ave 

    Lake City, FL 32055

The Environmental Health Section of the Florida Department of Health in Columbia County (DOH-Columbia) provides a variety of services for all the citizens in Columbia County. We strive to promote and protect public health in our community through environmental permitting, investigations, inspections, and public education. Our trained professionals have experience in such fields as onsite sewage treatment and disposal, epidemiology, food-borne disease outbreak, drinking water contamination, institutional care, swimming pools and bathing places, and rabies control. Much of the work in public health takes place behind the scenes and may go relatively unnoticed. However, this work provides a health safety foundation and becomes the first line of defense against the spread of harmful diseases.

Due to the many different aspects involved in public and environmental health protection we sometimes work in cooperation with other Federal, State, County, and City agencies. If you perceive a potential problem or existing health-related community issue, please contact our office. No matter the problem, our goal is to provide the community with the best possible solution.

In addition, our staff will provide educational programs for school classes and civic clubs in their various areas of expertise. If you would like to arrange a program please call us to discuss your needs.

Comments and constructive criticism play an important role in developing an effective environmental health unit. Your views help us determine areas for improvement, which will benefit the community as a whole. Please feel free to provide comments in person, by phone, in writing, or by e-mail.

We feel honored to represent our community as Public Health Officials.